Posting Policy

Today it is so easy for people to be critical or judgmental about someone’s posts or life choices. The internet has made it accessible for people to speak their minds without considering what the other person may have experienced. We are not putting ourselves in other people’s shoes - meaning, as a society, we are not having EMPATHY for another person’s experiences. That makes the internet and social media an unsafe place. 

Our goal for this website is for it to be a safe space for everyone who finds it.

This is a HEALING place.

To heal, you need to be able to be vulnerable. I have been working on posts for nearly a year now and I have been brought to tears reading back over some of my posts that I will be sharing with you in the near future. To be vulnerable and heal, I also need to feel safe. And people who feel called to comment need to feel safe. For that reason, I am implementing a set of rules to guide the process for comments. 

The rules are:

  1. Be kind in your comments. If you are about to make a comment you would not want spoken to you, then please reframe the comment. 

  2. Remember that everyone’s experiences are different and so you may not completely understand a person’s perspective. It is ok to be curious; it is not ok to judge or be critical. 

  3. It is not ok to give unsolicited advice. But it is ok to share what works for you. (There will be a future post on this for clarity.)

  4. My general rule of thumb is to believe what a person says. Again, if you don’t know what a person has lived through, you won’t be able to understand where they are coming from. It is not ok to be dismissive or to invalidate what a person is feeling or saying. 

  5. Any comment that does not adhere to these rules will be deleted and the person will be at risk of losing the privilege to comment. 

  6. Everyone who signs up to comment will be required to accept these rules of engagement. 

I look forward to building a community where people come for information to help them heal. This is how I am called to serve. I appreciate all of you who will be joining me on this journey, rocky as it may be.