Learning, Support, & Hope.

A safe space for people experiencing trauma.

If you are a person who deals with anxiety, depression, or any other type of mental health concern, welcome to North Star Journeys. My goal for this page is to be a place of healing for you. The inspiration for it was to be a place where people could come for learning, support, and hope. As I build the website, there will be pages to help you understand mental health issues, learn new coping skills, and have access to products that will make daily life a bit easier. I would be pleased if you allowed me to join you on your journey of healing. And feel free to let me know what you would like to see on this page.

Meet Renee

I was always the kid to whom people could pour their heart out. When it was time to pick a career, it was always a helping career, like a nurse or teacher. Eventually, I decided on becoming a psychologist. I went straight through graduate school but did not become a clinical psychologist - a therapist - as planned.

Instead I took a large detour, but, even then, strangers would tell me their stories. Eventually, I realized my calling was to be a clinical psychologist and so I went back to graduate school and fulfilled that goal. I have worked with people in therapy and testing for over six years.

Over the past year, my heart was called to begin a new chapter in my life that allowed me to help larger groups of people. I am hoping this page can be a treasure trove of information for the trauma work.

My Approach

Healing from mental health issues or trauma can be hard. If you are here, then you already know that. My purpose in life has been to help people on this journey. Up until now, I have helped people one-on-one in therapy or through psychological assessment. But I realize that people need more support outside of therapy and I have wanted to be able to send people to a page that would provide more support when I am not seeing them - or when they are between sessions with their therapist. Please note: this page is NOT a replacement for therapy. If you are struggling, please seek out a therapist. But then feel free to bookmark this page and come back for the support and healing in between your sessions. 

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